Integrated 1 Year End Review Answers Connect Ed

What is a performance review for employees?

A performance review is a formal regulated assessment mechanism in which managers and other key stakeholders evaluate an employee'due south work performance. The purpose is to learn more than nearly their strengths and weaknesses, offering constructive feedback for skill development in the hereafter, and assist with goal setting.

Whichever methodology you lot cull for performance reviews, a well-planned and executed performance review boosts employee appointment and sets the tone for creating a culture of feedback and ongoing development at your organization.

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Types of operation review

Weekly or fortnightly performance evaluation

Weekly or fortnightly performance reviews don't need to collect a vast amount of data each time or be especially goal-oriented. They are helpful for record-keeping and making certain a project – particularly an agile or fast-moving 1 – stays on track calendar week by week

Monthly operation appraisals

These are especially useful for businesses who employ people on short-term contracts or freelancers, and for new hires during their onboarding process, equally they go from task description to actual performance.  New projects also benefit from monthly employee reviews then that they stay on track and organizational goals are met. Some employees typically prefer monthly cheque-ins over annual reviews.

Quarterly performance evaluations

Companies divide their business year into quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), with set goals, targets, and budgets. It makes sense that assessing performance is run alongside these. Iii months is sufficient fourth dimension for an employee to achieve their goals and targets, every bit well as strop their organizational skills.  You can besides amass weekly/fortnightly or monthly reviews together each quarter to create a report of an employee's progress, fix for a review meeting.

Annual functioning review

Some businesses still deport an annual review, but information technology is increasingly being replaced, or at least supplemented, by pulse surveys and 360 reviews throughout the year. These traditional and formal operation reviews tended to become overblown, with also much data on them to be manageable, or to exist a off-white evaluation of an employee's efforts. They looked back on past functioning rather than forwards to future performance, and a year is far besides long for employees to become without feedback.

That said, reviews and feedback throughout the year collated into one 12-month overall operation study are a useful depository financial institution of data, provided all the feedback has had deportment fastened to it.

Who runs an employee performance review?

It'southward usually the person'southward line director, every bit they know virtually about the employee'south function and their electric current work. In some cases, a leadership group, squad leader, or a more senior leader may atomic number 82 the review or someone from human resources.

Why are operation reviews important?

Too as long-term positive outcomes, operation reviews offer an immediate lift – not only for businesses but for employees who want an overview of their strengths and weaknesses and progress in their careers. Here are some of the benefits operation reviews can offer:

1. Aligning personal roles to business goals
A job performance review is a adventure to make sure everyone understands the organization's vision and goals and how their work fits into the bigger moving picture. Individual performance drives organizational functioning.

two. A articulate understanding of job roles
Performance management empowers individuals to call back about their role within the system and clarify any areas where they have questions. When employees and supervisors can clearly understand and own their specific job duties, whatsoever ambiguities in the workplace are eliminated. Each person is accountable for their piece of work and responsibilities.

three. Regular feedback about operation
Regular feedback contributes to meliorate accommodating communication in the workplace. Operation reviews aid to place an individual's strengths and weaknesses, and nigh importantly, give employees a improve understanding of the expectations that they are beingness held to.

Operation management can be a motivational tool, encouraging employees not only to experience more than satisfied in their work merely to have activeness beyond what'due south expected.

4. Career development
The performance review presents the opportunity to plan for and ready objectives to further develop an employee's career. Performance management will also assist them gain any boosted grooming or mentoring which can act as a basis for HR'south development of time to come succession plans.

5. Rewards for good performance
Performance direction offers a multifariousness of rewards beyond just compensation that prove gratitude for a job well washed, such equally time off and bonuses. The prospect of a better than 'exceeds expectations' performance appraisal – ane where it is recognized that y'all've gone above and beyond – is an incentive to perform well and may open the door to career advancements in the futurity.

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What's the best approach for performance reviews?

With so many practices, HR policies, tools, and tech­niques involved, no two per­for­mance man­age­ment programs volition look the same. Some have grading systems. Others have question and response formats, while others are expected to be free-form.

Only similar your com­pa­ny cul­ture, your per­for­mance human­age­ment sys­tem will be unique and spe­cif­ic to your val­ues, your goals and your pur­pose.

How­ev­er, every good employee per­for­mance review procedure seeks to improve how the overall organisation performs while sup­port­ing the per­for­mance, evolution, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and well-­be­ing of its employees.

Despite this mutual goal, information suggests that traditional approaches to performance management tin can be demotivating, uninspiring, and brand people want to give up rather than piece of work harder and progress.

In fact, traditional operation management (PM) is universally disliked by both managers and employees. Information technology is seen as having little value and has failed to meet its intended goal of improving functioning. According to inquiry reported in the Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology:

  • Amongst managers, 95% are dissatisfied with their PM systems.
  • Amongst employees, 59% feel PM reviews are not worth the time invested, while 56% said they do not receive feedback on what to improve.
  • About 90% of human being resources (HR) heads report that their PM systems do non yield accurate information.

It's time to make the instance for change and redesign performance management. Instead of an annual performance review, a ameliorate performance management system frequently engages its employees to amend judge their work satisfaction levels.

So rather than focusing on past performance in a yearly review, a improve employee performance evaluation system incorporates continuous feedback. Inquiry from Josh Bersin estimates that nearly 75% of multinational companies are moving toward this model.

What should a functioning review look like?

Performance reviews based on a continuous feedback philosophy are more than likely to exist time to come-focused and geared towards promoting growth and development. Rather than rating employees against a one-size-fits-all standard based on their past operation, continuous performance management treats each employee as an individual whose total potential tin can be maximized.

Employee performance evaluation/review

However, adopting continuous feedback doesn't hateful removing measurement and metrics from your performance review process and reports altogether – it just means you should exist using them in a different way. Metrics and measurements can provide valuable clarity and focus for employees and managers, acting equally a framework for planning and prioritizing future efforts.

To be useful and realistic, measurements for progress need to be balanced across all the relevant elements of operation. Advisable measures might cover a range of aspects like quality, quantity, timeliness, and/or price-effectiveness of the piece of work.

Expectations placed on employees likewise need to be credible – the employee can visualize the results and the means of achieving them, and feel confident about getting information technology right.

To that terminate, performance expectations must exist:

  • based on job function
  • clear and understandable
  • specific
  • reasonable and attainable
  • measurable – observable or verifiable
  • results oriented
  • communicated in a timely fashion
  • geared towards fostering continual improvement in productivity and skill development

How to set the right goals in a functioning review

When it comes to employee goals, striking the right balance is everything. Goals tin't be too easy, or they won't leave employees feeling sabbatum­is­fied — most peo­ple enjoy a chal­lenge. They want to be stretched, expand their noesis , and devel­op new skills. Equal­ly, how­ev­er, goals that are too chal­leng­ing tin be demotivating. Employees will burn out try­ing to accom­plish them, or they won't try at all, believ­ing them to be incommunicable.

Effec­tive goals should be set col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly between man­ag­er and employ­ee. They should exist SMART (Specific, Measurable, Accessible, Relevant, Time Based) and tracked reg­u­lar­ly. In addition, reg­u­lar come across­ings should be held to dis­cuss goal progress and what can be washed to sup­port the employee in meeting the target.

Performance review templates

Nobody can, or should, deport an off-the-cuff operation review. Information technology'due south essential to use customizable templates that cover all the necessary feedback areas and metrics,  and also deliver a positive review that energizes, motivates, and engages individual employees.

Read more than about performance reviews

Performance review examples: phrases and questions

Whichever performance review model you lot're working within, providing feedback with articulate, positive language is the key to keeping the review goal-focused and productive. Writing performance reviews requires managers and other raters to be specific with their feedback, stay constructive, and provide solutions needed to aid the employee grow.

You'll detect criteria will vary depending on the size, scope, and civilisation of your organization. Nonetheless, there are a few elements that come up upwardly for almost all companies. Here are a few sample areas of focus to get you started with planning your employee evaluation criteria:

Accomplishing goals

  • Sets challenging goals for him/herself
  • Helps others achieve their objectives
  • Prioritizes his/her piece of work based on the needs of the organization and its customers
  • Achieves his/her objectives even when faced with obstacles and challenges

Leadership qualities

  • Takes team members' ideas and opinions into account when making decisions
  • Helps team members resolve piece of work-related bug
  • Holds team members accountable for achieving their objectives


  • Actively listens to others
  • Tailors his/her advice to the needs of the audience
  • Communicates clearly and concisely


  • Collaborates finer with other team members
  • Gives effective and helpful feedback to others
  • Treats others with respect
  • Values and respects differences amongst team members
  • Actively listens and participates in a work-related discussion


  • Lives company values every 24-hour interval
  • Acts equally a role model
  • Creates a positive work environment

The content of a performance review will vary depending on chore office and organization, but it may be valuable to develop some universal questions for managers to inquire, such as:

  • What is [Subject's Proper name] greatest forcefulness and what tin he/she continue to do to grow?
  • What is [Subject'southward Name] greatest opportunity and what can he/she do to improve in the surface area?

To help you lot in composing your employee evaluation criteria, y'all can download free performance review templates from Qualtrics.

Performance review phrases to avert

Although performance review templates and performance reviews themselves are customizable, it's of import to exist mindful of the letters you are giving out. Great review conversations nurture an employee'southward operation, development, and managing director-employee relationship, whereas thoughtless ones tin impairment employee engagement and even concern success as your pinnacle people go out.

Here are some real howlers – while some of these may seem a little over the summit, they do demonstrate neatly what NOT to say, and why non:

"You lot do so brilliantly, I take nix to give you feedback on"

Even your very top talent volition accept some areas they can improve or develop skills in. Comments like this give the impression yous haven't bothered to wait at their work in whatever detail.

"If y'all double your targets this yr, then we might look at promotion to the C-suite next year"

Avoid 'if/so' statements, as they sound like empty promises, based on unattainable goals.

"You're never at your desk-bound on time. And you're always late to meetings"

Avoid accented words such as 'always' and 'never' – no one is late 100% of the fourth dimension.

"You're a cracking employee. Continue it up"

This says aught about what the employee does that is great, how they tin can be fifty-fifty greater, or what they can do to 'keep it up'. You demand to explicate in particular what the employee did that was great and their development goals to continue their skilful work

"I heard you lot handled that financial services account badly, which was disappointing, to say the least"

The reviewer is relying on hearsay here rather than first-hand observation and gives the employee no chance to put over their version before being criticized. Truthful, it may be peer observation, only using 360 feedback rather than the office gossip mill is much more than effective.

"You lot knocked the other ii designers into a cocked hat. Their prototypes were trash compared with yours."

Comparing colleagues and co-workers in a performance review is a big NO. You're reviewing only ane person'south achievements, then leave the disasters (and triumphs) of others to their own, separate operation discussions.

"I tin can't believe you! I thought you would do a expert chore of this, but it'southward very poor"

The reviewer is bringing emotion into this feedback, which will simply upset or rile the employee having the review. There is no effective feedback and this level of hostility is likely to drive the employee to wait for another task.

"You're lucky to become this promotion. Don't waste material the opportunity"

Condescending and begrudging much? You never want to undermine your employees but rather praise them and encourage their successes. Forcing employees into a promotion does not hateful its the all-time choice for them, they deserve to choose.

An employee with a manager

How to prepare to conduct a performance review

If you're a manager or squad leader tasked with running appraisals for your team, you lot're likely to accept an established performance review process to guide your approach. Yet, yous tin can still make the review experience go as smoothly as possible by preparing in advance.

Articulate your calendar

If you lot're going to be meeting with team members one on one, brand sure yous won't exist distracted or interrupted by other priorities during the meeting. Effort to minimize commitments earlier in the day to reduce the risk of getting waylaid and having to postpone the review or plow upwards belatedly. This way, employees know that the review is as important to you lot as it is to them.

Brush upwardly on your employee experience data

Earlier the meeting, look through your notes from the virtually contempo review with the employee to see what happened last time. What were the principal themes of the meeting? Was there annihilation either of you said you'd follow up on?

Be ready to take feedback every bit well as give it

Brand sure yous allow plenty time for the employee to share their feedback with you lot regarding the mode you manage and bring a laptop or notebook to record it and so that you can follow up later.

Prepare for curveballs

Although you shouldn't be telling the employee anything they don't already know about their performance, it'due south very possible that they'll bring up matters that are news to y'all. Considering they're private one-to-one exchanges, reviews may be seen equally an opportunity to raise problems or share news. While it might non be pertinent to the review itself, be receptive to whatsoever the employee brings upwardly and tabular array information technology for a later chat if required.

Performance review pitfalls to avert

Every bit y'all're planning or reviewing your performance review procedure, you can relieve time and expense by being aware of these potential failure points.

1. Losing the link between process and purpose
Make sure the goal of your performance management systems drives the process, and be ready to make changes if required. Understanding how well your organization's goals line upwardly with the day-to-day work of individuals and teams is key here.

2. Non prioritizing a culture of feedback
If you don't already have a civilisation of feedback, invest time and resource on the forepart end to communicate the true purpose of performance reviews and build trust in the process to develop a feedback-based culture.

3. Declining to engage your stakeholders
Getting conclusion-makers and business leaders on board right from the very beginning will improve buy-in, increase participation rates, and fix your program up for success.

4. Not edifice in a back up network
Follow-up and feedback need to be built in at the forefront of the project. Set expectations for employees and managers early on on so they know who they can get to for advice and back up

five. Lack of advice
Communication is the about critical component of implementing a new or improved performance management system. Per­for­mance man­historic period­ment sys­tems suc­ceed when com­mu­ni­ca­tion about the process is authen­tic and trans­par­ent.

6. Insufficient grooming and enablement for managers
No per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem will be suc­assessment­ful if the peo­ple involved don't invest in the procedure. If employ­ees sense that their man­agers are apa­thet­ic near the per­for­mance homo­age­ment sys­tem, they will mir­ror this atti­tude. Man­agers need to take con­trol and lead by example, and they need support and acceptable grooming to do then.

Culling ways to collect feedback

For many businesses, performance reviews are the most helpful way to share and collect employee feedback. But thank you to the uptick in experience-led business and a new understanding of the value of employee feel, new methodologies are emerging.

360 feedback

In a 360 feedback, staff members tin can receive feedback not merely from managers, but from peers and junior staff members. They can also review themselves, resulting in a complete – or 360 degree – view of their strengths and opportunities. However, this kind of program should only always be used for development, not to approximate performance.

Continual feedback

Some companies prefer to avoid the formal structure of a functioning review and instead share feedback on a continual ad hoc basis. This might exist a suitable option for very modest businesses and new start-ups. However, there is a risk that without a formal checkpoint, staff lack clarity on how they're progressing and what they need to piece of work on.

Employee pulse reviews

The employee pulse review can be seen as a happy medium between continual feedback and a big once-a-year performance review. Information technology's a smaller-calibration employee review that's conducted on a more frequent schedule, such as monthly or quarterly. Pulse feedback is more commonly associated with employee engagement surveys, but it works only as well for sharing feedback in the other management since it offers clear measures and is quick and easy to consummate.

Incorporate 360 feedback in a performance review

Many clients ask us near the platonic employ case for a 360 assessment. Some of them employ it for operation management while others purely for evolution. With performance reviews moving away from critique of workers and more towards continuous development and employee engagement, 360s are a valuable part of performance management software.

At Qualtrics, we believe that 360 is platonic for development because feedback should be seen as an investment into an employee through feedback from peers, straight reports, managers, leaders, and customers rather than a tool that determines their pay, operation, or promotion. To ensure allegiance of responses and to be seen every bit an authentic review (not a political tool), our recommendation is to incorporate 360 into your operation management software every bit a review process for developing your employees and not evaluating them.

Employee XM Team

This article was written past the EmployeeXM squad

Our EX Scientists are a global team of Employee Experience consultants who evangelize advisory services for our clients to assist them pattern and deliver globe form EX strategies & programs. They provide empirically driven, best exercise solutions.

This post was originally written June, 2019 and was updated August, 2021.


Bersin Josh. (2018). We wasted ten years talking about operation ratings. The seven things we've learned. Josh Bersin Found: Retrieved March 18th from

Capelli, P & Tavis, Anna (2016) Assessing Functioning: The Operation Management Revolution. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 18th from

Enderes, K., & Derunts, Chiliad. (2018). 7 Height Findings for Enabling Performance in the Period of Work, Bersin, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Kathi Enders (2018) Performance Management, Disrupted: Enabling Performance in the Menstruation of Work. Bersin, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Pulakos, Due east. D., Hansen, M. R., Cargill, A. S., Moye, N. (2015). Operation Management can be fixed: An on the job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol eight(1), 51–76.

Rodgers, R., & Hunter, J. Eastward. (1991). Bear on of management by objectives on organizational productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 76(2), 322–336.

Smith, Yard. and Bititci, U. (2017), "Interplay between functioning measurement and direction, employee appointment and performance", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol 37(9), 1207-1228.


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